The only seat in Starbucks available was the overstuffed chair by the door. I hate the draftiness of the door, but the accommodation of an outlet for my computer and a warm cup of joe led me to linger. As I began working on a paper for school, I noticed a gentleman across from me holding a baby. The child was decked out in pink, leading me to believe it was obviously a girl. She looked as if she had just been taken home from the hospital. I struck up conversation with the gentleman only to find out that the wee lass was a mere three weeks old and dad was giving his tired wife a break to Christmas shop. Conversation ended and I continued to work on my paper, but I occasionally glanced over at the new father and his precious bundle of joy. He glowed. His face shown the gentleness of a lamb as he caressed the face of his daughter. In the same expression his face shown the fierceness of a tiger, ready to defend anything that came between him and his young one. He could not stop staring at what had just become, three week s prior, the joy of his heart and the love of his life. He must have sat on that sofa for over an hour, just staring at his beautiful baby girl. Pride radiated from his face as he realized that he took part in the creation of this new being. I’m sure he sat dreaming dreams about what she would become and the potential that was bundled up in pink and yellow. His daughter, still asleep, lay peacefully in his arms without a fear in the world. I heard an analogy of parenthood the other day. This unknown author spoke of her children as little pieces of her heart walking around outside of her body.
Is this what God is like? Does he look upon our innocent faces with sheer joy and pride? Does he revel in the fact that he had a part in creating this incredible being? Is his countenance filled with the gentleness of a lamb and the protective fierceness of a tiger? Does he gaze upon us with the swelling pride of a delighted papa? Does he dream dreams about our potential and what we could grow up to be? Are we little pieces of His heart walking around here on earth?
Why is it so hard for us to picture God in this way? Why is the image of a condemning God allowed to permeate our belief system?
If I could have one gift this Christmas, it would be a paradigm shift wrapped in a red and green ribbon. I never want to lose that picture of God, my heavenly father gazing upon me with complete joy and fondness in His heart towards me.
Brilliant. Often we think of God as distant, yet He invite us to use the title "Abba" daddy. He loves us with an everlasting love. He dances over us with singing.